See Gene's Works Ready For Film

Completed TV Pilot +Feature-length screenplays +  Shorts + Thrillers + Rom-Coms + Horror +  Treatments + more

Saving Emma is an Austin Film Festival Semifinalist & Coverfly Red Lister

Saving Emma - Austin Film Festival 2023 Feature Drama Semi-Finalist

Sadly, we lost Mr. Poitier before this proposed story could become a reality.
Still, accomplished actors remain who could make this film a reality

This is a dream project first conceived in 2006. We are providing an audio excerpt of Where Angels Walk, along with a complete treatment.

Log Line: (20 years earlier)

Malcolm James Porter, an 80-year-old, Chicago homeless man, and WWII hero, discovers the power to heal lies in the touch of his hands.

Synopsis – Set in Chicago 20 years ago

Malcolm James Porter, 80, a man with a storied past, buries his last friend, and fellow WWII hero, Henry Chester Morris, III. Unable to maintain his rooming house quarters, he pawns his meager worldly possessions to purchase a suit, real leather shoes, and fresh flowers for his friend’s VA Cemetery ceremony.

Shortly thereafter, this shy, retiring man of regal bearing—along with a world hungry for miracles—discovers the power of healing in the palms of his weathered hands. But who will heal Malcolm J. Porter? (Now preparing to celebrate his 100th birthday)
